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As a working mom, it’s so easy for life to quickly start feeling chaotic. The chaos was overwhelming and I knew something had to change so I started researching. These organization hacks are everything in my life and keep my house running smoothly.
I’ve only been a working mom for 4 years so I’m sure I’ll learn more as I go but these organization tips changed a lot for me. Now my days run smoother, but yes there’s still hiccups, and I am so much more productive. Something that matters so much to my mental health.
This post is all about organization hacks for working moms.
Best Organization Hacks For Working Moms
Organization Life Hacks
The mental load we carry as moms is intense. It’s enough to destroy productivity and waste precious time each and every day. When I was pregnant with my third child, I had another mom tell me that the burden of motherhood intensified beyond being able to wing it every day going from 2 to 3 kids. So having routines and systems in place would be necessary for my family to thrive.
It’s taken me a full year to really develop what feels good to me and my family. But we are here now and I will say that my productivity has spiked. It required a mental shift from “what do I want to do today” to “what’s going to make my family’s life run smoother today”.
I definitely don’t have all the answers and am imperfectly figuring this out as I go, but I hope these organization tips will help you run a smooth household and feel good in your season of motherhood.
1. Brain dump
Doing a brain dump a couple times a week is a first action item for me! It’s the foundation to building out to-do lists, calendars, appointments and time blocking.
If you’ve never heard of this exercise before, it’s when you sit down with a blank piece of paper and write down everything that’s on your mind onto paper. You can do this on a computer but the goal is to get anything and everything on your mind out and living on a piece of paper.
I have a dedicated brain dump notebook and it’s a running to do list of everything that needs to get done, be scheduled or conversations that need to happen.
2. Time block your days
The next exercise I do is take my brain dump and time block my days. I do this about 1-2 times per week.
Time blocking allows my brain to relax knowing that tasks that are important will get done and it relieves the anxiety of carrying it all in my mind. Now, as a mom of toddlers, I understand this can be so tricky because let’s face it, toddlers have their own schedule sometimes. When my day gets derailed, I just go back to my calendar and reschedule what didn’t get done for the next available time.
If you struggle with anxiety, like I do, I have found that putting my kids on a schedule has helped this SO much. Right when I bring the baby home from the hospital I start establishing routine and work towards a predictable nap schedule so I know I will have times in my day to get things done.
So enough about baby schedules, I’m a paper planner girlie and have loved this planner lately! I got it at Target but here’ the link to order directly on Amazon.
3. Get up early before the kids
This one is so essentials. Getting your day started before your kids are up is a game changer. This will vary from person to person, but I like to be up 70 minutes before my kids. I can only really do this in the younger years because of the sleep foundation they have but it was all worth it!
4. Meal plan for a month or two at a time
Meal planning for me is so not fun but it eliminates wasteful spending at the grocery store and relieves the mental load of making dinner every night. So I started meal planning once for 1-2 months at a time. This way, I’m only meal planning about 8 times per year. It’s glorious!
Then each week I take my calendar of meals and convert into a grocery list for that week’s meals.
5. Put everything on the calendar
Putting everything on my calendar is huge. I use both a paper calendar (I always write in pencil) and then I have separate Google calendars for different areas of my life – home, work, kids, side hustle, meals, etc.
Using Google calendars allows me to turn on and off different notifications depending on what I’m working on at that moment.
If you’re unfamiliar with how Google calendars work, check out this blog post and YouTube video for more information!
6. Schedule fun time
Scheduling fun time is so crucial. We all need something to look forward to, like a trip, girls night or even relaxing time at home. I never schedule any work past dinner time and always plan out our family trips for the year in quarter 1 of the year.
7. Live minimalistically
This comes naturally for some people and is harder for others but decluttering will reduce stress, save time and keep a clear mind for your household. Like Marie Kondo says, if it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it.
Living minimalistically is different for every person but by setting goals of decluttering and removing access from your life, you’ll live freer and more comfortably day to day.
8. Double up activities
Examples of this would be working and getting steps in through a walking pad. Listening to audiobooks instead of reading while getting household chores completed. Online grocery shopping while sitting in a work meeting. Multitasking is every woman’s superpower so put it to good use!
9. Post routines
Posting routines has a similar effect to a brain dump for me. While most of my daily tasks are time blocked in my calendar, I have my workout routine posted next to my exercise bike so I don’t have to think about coming up with a workout plan.
Now for me, workouts are not fun but an essentials so I just do the same full body routine 3-4 times per week to check the box. For you, this could be meals or cleaning the house. Find what feels heavy to you, write it down and post it in an obvious place so you don’t have to think about it when it comes time to do that task.
Home Organization Hacks
Having a well run home is another essential to working mom life. Check out these organization hacks below!
10. Develop a laundry system
Laundry is WILD. Everyone has their own system but mine is each room and each person gets a laundry basket and then everyday one of the baskets gets washed, dried and put away that same day.
Whatever you do, automating and putting a system in place will simplify and discourage build up.
11. Pick up 2 times per day
Personally, the cleaning up has been hard for me. I hate a messy house and have had to learn to let it go over the years. Limiting the picking up of toys and other items to two times per day has worked well for putting my mind at ease that it will get done but gives me permission to continue through my day getting high level tasks done that will move my family forward.
12. Set a cleaning schedule
There are so many cleaning schedule ideas out there. One of my favorites is the 30 day cleaning schedule that breaks up cleaning your whole house in 30 days.
Personally, I have a housekeeper, huge luxury, but I utilize my designated cleaning time to deep clean certain parts of my house that the housekeeper doesn’t get to every week.
13. Label maker
My label makers are everything. Yet another “brain dump” type of activity that allows me to put labels on boxes, drawers, tupperware, organizers and more!
I have both of these label makers because I’m a psycho but Amazon has a million options so click through to find the right one for you!
14. Hire help
Like mentioned above, I have a housekeeper that comes every other week to clean my house. Such a luxury but this helps with the load of everything so much.
InstaCart is another tool I swear by. Use my code SBLESSE192 for $10 towards your first order! The subscription is around $100 a year and is so handy for getting groceries and other things delivered.
Thumbtack is another tool I love for hiring handyman tasks out, finding cleaners, getting upholstery cleaned and so much more.
15. Delegate tasks to your partner
My husband is insanely helpful. We work together to delegate tasks and appointments according to our work schedules and availability. If I’m doing household things during the evening routine, he’ll do the kids or vice versa. Allowing your partner to be your teammate is a super power. Moms do not need to do it all!
16. Schedule time for making appointments
This one always makes me laugh but I literally have to schedule time for making appointments. With 3 kids and one on the way, there’s so many appointments to juggle and it doesn’t get done unless there is scheduled time for it.
17. Kids schedule and chores
Since my kids were born, we have worked on routines and schedules. I followed rhythms during the infant stage and then set specific nap and bedtimes during the toddler stage. It’s helped my mental health of being able to mostly predict when I will get some time to work on my items so much.
I also start chores with my kids as young as two. It’s amazing what kids are capable of! Getting themselves dressed, clearing their dishes and making their beds are a few examples of things that my 2 and 4 year old do every day.
Depending on your kids ages, the best organization hack is to get them involved in household tasks so they learn families work together to make the routines run smoothly.
The Organization Hacks For Bedrooms
These are my most favorite items for organizing the bedrooms in my homes.
18. Plastic bins
These clear plastic bins are everything! There are various sizes so make sure you measure your space before ordering but I love that I can label and see everything that is inside super easily. I use these for toy, clothes, sheets and shoe storage.
They are also great in the kitchen, bathrooms and supply closets.
19. Soft bins
Love these soft bins too for a cheaper option. I have a few around my house but I’m slowly migrating to a clear bin for everything behind cabinet or closet doors to see things more easily.
20. Seasonal clothing
I am lucky in the fact that I have big closets in my house, but even if you don’t utilizing under the bed storage for storing seasonal clothing can be a huge help in keeping closets organized.
21. Under bed storage
I swear by these under the bed storage bags. They’re soft so they can form to any shape or fold in half if it’s not used all the way.
22. Laundry baskets
These are the laundry baskets I use in my house because I can see through them when I open my closet doors and they are easy to pick up and move around!
23. Store cleaning supplies conveniently
I keep separate cleaning supplies in each bathroom for a convenient option for cleaning! It’s so helpful to be able to wipe down the sink or clean the toilet while I’m in there for bath time or helping a toddler use the bathroom.
24. Multiple sets of bed sheets
Having even one set of back up sheets for every bed is a game changer. You can change your sheets on a normal rhythm but still allow yourself time and space to get the laundry done without having to do it all in one day.
The Organization Hacks Kitchens Need
These few items I always have on hand keep my kitchen super organized!
25. Mason jars
Again, I am obsessed with clear and see through jars or containers so I can see it when I open the cabinets. I always have this multisize pack of mason jars handy!
26. Plastic containers for bulk food
These OXO food containers are so helpful. Especially for regularly used bulk bin items or items with terrible packaging (i.e. sugar and flour).
27. Dishwasher run every night
Every single night I run the dishwasher, regardless of how full it is. It helps reduce the amount of dishes, utensils I need because everything is always clean. It also allows me to keep one water bottle per kid and other kid utensils to a minimum reducing clutter and stress in my everyday life!
What other organization hacks do you have? I would love to know in the comments below!
This post was all about organization hacks.
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